Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'M SICK!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I've got some pretty bad timing. Yesterday I started to feel bad and today I had a full blown head cold. I still have like 50 something hours until the race so I am really hoping to be better. Right now it is all in my head and I am doing everything I can to kick it, so we will see how it goes. No matter what, I will be running on Sunday.

A couple of people asked about my training for the last marathon compared to this one. I took a closer look at the stats and they are not great. Last time I averaged about 31.5 miles the 12 weeks leading up to the race. This time I have only averaged 25. However, I think my running was much better this time and my long runs were much more strategic. My biggest concern was to get healthy and I have done that, so I am okay with not running really fast this weekend. I know that I will be right back to training and don't have to worry about an injury. I hope I have learned my lesson about over training and will continue to build slowly this time.


matpedw said...

Hang in there! I got sick the Thursday before my first marathon. I was feeling better by Saturday but wasn't able to eat much at all the previous two days. It all worked out though! I think the simple little two mile run on Saturday kicked my body back into gear even though it was a struggle.

Best of luck and have fun

AZ said...

I hope you are able to kick that cold before race day but don't be afraid to slow down in you can't. Best of luck during the race. Enjoy it!

Josh said...

Dude - get yourself healthy! Echinacea, Airborne, zinc lozenges. I'd stay natural, but do whatever it takes! Either way, put the stupid headcold out of your mind and GET TO IT!
As for running less, that could be the key to your success. Maybe you overtrained last time around and hadn't recovered by raceday.
Kick some ass this weekend!

Lindsay said...

nooo! hopefully it's just the tapering cold? feel better, and good luck this weekend! have FUN out there!!

Ms. V. said...

NO! You're not You're not!!!

ZICAM. Sleep. Drink. Sleep. Get better!

Beth said...

Nope. You will be fine at race must be. Tia and I want to see you crossing that finish line happy, healthy, and with a smile. You will be great! We all love you.