Sunday, April 12, 2009


It is only three weeks until the marathon. I thought I was going to start feeling really nervous, but I am instead feeling really excited. I have put so much work into getting ready for this race and I am ready for it to be here.

I am not in as good of shape as I hoped to be. I could have gotten out of bed more. I could have kept going on runs were I stopped. I could have stuck to my plan more. I could have done more speed work and more intervals. I could have eaten better. I could have started all of this 10 years ago. I also could have given up on this silly dream, I didn't, for that I am grateful. Despite all of those things I am proud of myself. I ran through the winter. I have bounced back from several injuries, two of which I thought were the end of my running altogether. I

Yesterday I ran 17.7 miles very comfortably, at a pace that was slightly faster then my goal marathon pace. I have one more long run left slated for next Saturday. I hope to push it pretty hard the next two weeks and then really start to taper.


Glenn Jones said...

Congratulations Jason. Don't beat yoursel up too much about whether or not you are ready. You will do fine. Being your first marathon, I'm sure you've heard this before. Just enjoy the experience. Your body will do things that it has never done before. Just go with the flow and enjoy!

Ms. V. said...

You're going to do great!!!

Lindsay said...

sounds like a case of the coulda, shoulda, woulda's.

you've put in a ton of running and are definitely prepared. so maybe you won't break any world records, but you will still do great! come on, 17 miles at sub-GMP is nothing to sneeze at.

keep it up, and as race day draws closer don't be afraid to back off a little if your legs are shouting for it.

Josh said...

great work Jason and great attitude. there's always more that you could have done, but the thing I love about distance running and triathlon is that training for each big race is a learning and growing process. Next time you'll take what you learned during training and racing and put that to work.
Enjoy your taper!

Ian said...

That's great. I only ever got up to 13 miles. What's your target time for the marathon?