Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Still pushing it

One of my fears during this process was that I would peak at some point and then give up. I would then run the entire marathon knowing that if it had been several weeks prior I would have done better. A lot about preparing for something like this is timing and perseverance. If you push too hard too soon you might not leave enough steam. Playing it safe could result in never getting into shape. So you have to try your best to push yourself hard, at an intensity you can maintain.

I have had some really good runs over the last month and I want to make sure that I continue to push hard and don't rest on the work I have already done. Today I set out for an easy run like usual and ended up pushing it pretty hard. I just kept telling myself that I needed to make it hurt to make sure that I was not just maintaining my current fitness but improving on it in the last 14 or 15 days before I begin to taper.

Today's Run:
6.16 miles
Pace 7:11


Lindsay said...

some of the things i read make it sound like there is a really fine line between overdoing, underdoing it, and peaking at just the right time.

i like to tell myself that it's a mental game and i'm running in a proper 'zone'.

hopefully you are cruising along right where you are supposed to be too. don't forget to make a few of your runs easy though! sheesh speedy!

Ms. V. said...

You are so close!!