Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Record

Today I set out for a new record. I wanted to run 18 miles and gave myself 2 hours and 35 minutes to accomplish this task. Our daughter is staying the weekend with her grandma and papa so I changed up my schedule for Saturday morning a little bit. Tiffany and I had decided it would make more since for me to run during his morning nap while she got ready. So instead of getting up to run we went to McDonald's for breakfast. I have been eating pretty healthy recently and this did not fit into that plan, but it was good. Two sausage egg cheese biscuits and a hash brown and I was full.

After getting back I sort of mapped out my run and Tyson went down for his nap. It was about 34 degrees with 15 to 20 mph winds. The weather was not perfect but it could have been worse. My route took me all through the country around us. At just over an hour I ate a powerbar gel, which I must say really did the trick. I was feeling really good until about 2 hours and 10 minutes when it starting getting pretty rough. I made it until 2 hours and 29 minutes.

After getting home I got some quick food, an orange and drank a bunch of water. I then sat down to figure out how long the run was on I was really scared that I had not run the full 18 since I stopped 6 minutes short. 18.53 was the final count and I was very pleased.

Today's run:
18.53 Miles
2 hours 29 minutes
8:03 Pace


Southbaygirl said...

awesome Run!!!!! And a yummy sausage biscuit to boot!!! Now I want a biscuit!!!

Lindsay said...

nice job on the long run! 2 biscuits?! i'm jealous. that would be my calorie intake for the day :( i hate being a girl. guess it was good fuel for you though!