Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sick Sick Sick

Well, I guess it has to happen from time to time, but why now? My running has been going really well, I am following my plan and am on track to run a great marathon. Yesterday at around 10:30 AM out of nowhere I started feeling sick. Then it was in and out until around 3:00 PM when realized I was full fledged sick. I left work a little after 4:00 and was in bed by 4:45. I spent 16 of the next 19 hours sleeping.

Needless to say, I missed today's run. I am really hoping to run tomorrow but we will see. I am still going back and forth between being hot and cold and I am achy all over. If I can run tomorrow then I will just count today as my day off for the week and essentially won't have lost much.

Being sick really puts things into perspective though. I was thinking about all the people out there that feel worse than me day in and day out. All those people with chronic illnesses that would do anything to feel normal for one day. It really makes me appreciate how healthy I am and how blessed I am to be able to run. It also made me happy that I was just sick and not injured. At least I know that this sickness will end soon and I will be back to running at 100% in no time.

Today's Run:


Lindsay said...

get your rest! don't push a run if your body isn't up for it... don't want to miss more days than necessary! feel better soon!

Glenn Jones said...

What she says ^. Get your rest and get well! In the big picture a fews days off will do nothing to compromise your fitness.

Anonymous said...

I guess it's better to be sick now than later when it's closer to the actual marathon. Make sure to get plenty of rest and feel better.

Josh said...

Thanks for your recent comment Jason! Feel better soon. Looking at those icicles hanging from your face the other day, I'd be shocked if everyone in Cincinnati isn't sick!