Sunday, May 24, 2009


Yesterday I ran a 1/2 marathon. Not a race, just on my own. I was happy with my time of 1:42:00. That is not my fastest, but it is only a few minutes off. My best was actually during a 14 mile run so I don't know how fast it would have been without that last .9 miles, but probably about 1:38:00. Anyway that was the best distance run I have had in a while so I was pretty happy with it.

All day yesterday the back of my right heel was bothering me but I did not think much of it since I had run 13 miles earlier in the day. This morning I set out for a really easy run and ended up with 5.5 miles. It was easy but my heel was bothering me again. It has been kind of off and on today so I have decided to take tomorrow off. I really don't want to but I also don't want to end up with some silly injury. (The back of my heel. Any ideas what it could be anyone?)

Last week I finished with 52.2 miles. I am really happy with that and was hoping to run around 55 this week. However, since I am taking tomorrow off that will make it pretty hard to accomplish. I guess we will just see. I certainly don't want to push it too hard.

Overall my spirits are still up and I am really enjoying every bit of it. After 9 straight days I need a day off. I just hope it is enough time for my heel to get back to normal so I can push it hard the rest of the week.


I Run for Fun said...

Nice job on the 1/2 marathon!

Hope the heel feels better.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! Quite a run to be proud of. Take good care of that heel.

Lindsay said...

that is a lot of running! nice job on the half time trial!!

no idea about heel issues... sorry :( hope it's feeling better!

Glenn Jones said...

Just be careful that you don't leave your race performance on a training run!

Marlene said...

Congrats on your "unofficial" half marathon and some great mileage last week! I hope the heel is okay.